The Encyclopedia Of Country Living
The Encyclopedia Of Country Living :::
With over 2,000 recipes and 1,500 recommended resources for living off the land, do-it-yourself projects ranging from making jam at your kitchen counter to keeping sheep on a country acre are at your disposal with this in-depth guide to the country life.
Emery got the notion to write a book in 1970, a year after receiving a gift subscription to Organic Gardening magazine. What began as a recipe collection, sold in mimeographed installments via an ad in the back of that magazine, would blossom into road trips, fairs, TV appearances, and a life that was anything but country-like or simple.
What makes this manual stand out from others is that between the lines of practical information is the spirit of an author firmly rooted in faith, who is devoted to her family, her work, and the social and environmental issues of her time. Its wealth of wisdom is the culmination of over 30 years of collecting and preserving the best practices for living off the land.
And for those of us who reside in less than bucolic settings, country living has become a way of thinking. From rustic decor to home-baked pies, we often aspire to a simpler life, where good smells from the kitchen and time for friendly conversation make a happy home.
Practical advice, invaluable information, and collected wisdom for folks and farmers in the country, city, and anywhere in between. Includes how to cultivate a garden, buy land, bake bread, raise farm animals, make sausage, can peaches, milk a goat, grow herbs, churn butter, build a chicken coop, catch a pig, cook on a wood stove, and much, much more.
There are heartwarming personal stories interlaced with tons of practical information. When she realized that time spent promoting the book kept her from living the lifestyle she was promoting, she stepped back from the limelight.
Carla sold nearly 90,000 copies of her self-published editions, traveling the country to promote it and appearing on such shows as The Mike Douglas Show, The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson, The Phil Donahue Show, and Good Morning America, where she demonstrated country-living skills such as goat-milking, bread-making, and butter-churning.
When Sasquatch Books published the 9th Edition of Encyclopedia in 1994, Carla continued to travel the country promoting and selling the book, and teaching the timeless skills of country living. Carla cultivated a large and loyal following across the country. Carla passed away in 2005.
I agree, I love this book. I first purchased this book when I moved to a country property about 12 years ago, and it helped with so many things like gardening and chickens. I love reading it, I agree you do feel like you know Carla when you are done reading it. Must have for anyone who loves the idea homesteading! ?
Carla Emery lived on a farm in Idaho for more than thirty years as a wife, mother of seven, home-schooler, goat-keeper, garden-grower, writer, and country-living instructor. She wrote and self-published the first editions of The Encyclopedia of Country Living during the early 1970s and also ran her "School of Country Living." Carla sold nearly 90,000 copies of her self-published editions, traveling the country to promote it and appearing on such shows as The Mike Douglas Show, The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson, The Phil Donahue Show, and Good Morning America, where she demonstrated country-living skills such as goat-milking, bread-making, and butter-churning.When Sasquatch Books published the 9th Edition of Encyclopedia in 1994, Carla continued to travel the country promoting and selling the book, and teaching the timeless skills of country living. Carla cultivated a large and loyal following across the country. Carla passed away in 2005.
Hey I'm getting into prepping and I wanted to learn a bit about how to essentially make a homestead. I found a book called the encyclopedia of country living, but the 40th and 50th editions have 200 pages difference between them. I wanted to know if anyone knew what changed or if one book is better than the other? any answers would help.
Such religious minorities include sects and religious splinter groups which may be ostracized or persecuted, as well as minority groupings of major religions which occur in countries where another religion predominates. Where religion has been closely linked with politics or economic power, or where the practices and beliefs of a religious community are felt to be profane by the community at large, religious minorities have been forced to emigrate, (for example, the Jews, Huguenots, Pilgrim Fathers), or made stateless if no other country will accept them. Discrimination and segregation may take place as a form of ostracism. Certain religious groups may be banned from attending the schools of another group or may insist on separate education for their children, which may not be the best preparation for employment opportunities in the society where they are living. Discrimination may occur in employment and housing. Immigrants bring their religion with them, even if this was not the reason for leaving their native country, and as such set up further frictions with the indigenous community. The protection of religious minorities may be used as a pretext for war by a country where the religion in question predominates.
For hard-working office workers Kristy Athens and husband Michael, farming was a romantic dream. After purchasing farm land in Oregon's beautiful Columbia Gorge, Athens and hubby were surprised to learn that the realities of farming were challenging and unexpected. Get Your Pitchfork On! provides the hard-learned nuts-and-bolts of rural living from city folk who were initially out of their depth. Practical and often hilarious, Get Your Pitchfork On! reads like a twenty-first century Egg and I.
Home discusses the complex series of factors that have generated the house as we understand it today. The chapters can be read independently as discussions on, for example, the evolution of comfort or the organisation of the different spaces. However, the book also builds into a fascinating argument for revisiting some of the pre-modern ideas of communal living, shared spaces, and live-work relationships.
identified with the progress and growth of the townand the state. Among them was Captain JamesGaritty, then recently of the Confederate Army, nowPassed eighty, benefactor and donor of a $100,000.00fund for the poor of the county, the nestor of thebanking fraternity in Navarro County, and with himcame his partner, Joseph Huey; they organized thebanking house of Garitty and Huey in 1871; theywere the Gibraltars of local finance and splendid examplesof business sagacity and integrity, their businesscontinues under the National Banking System;also came E. J. and W. S. Simkins, uncles of RichardMays of Corsicana, the now President of theTexas State Bar Association; the Van Horns, editorsof The Corsicana Observer, who came in thesixties; J. M. Blanding, nestor of Corsicana Bar,chairman of the Board of Trustees of the $100,000.00Garitty Fund, and now President of the Board ofTrustees of Austin College at Sherman, Texas; J.Y. Bates, early merchant who came in the sixties,still serving; J. E. Whiteselle, deservedly successfuland popular; B. H. Woods, Sr., and family, includingState Senator J. H. Woods; J. W. and N. B.Edens, stock men and planters; F. W. Carruthers,early merchant; Stephen Smith; Capt. Chas. H. Allyn,a union soldier, who had just married a southernbride and who so fitted his life into the lives ofthose with whom he cast his lot that when he passedaway in 1918, he was beloved and respected of allmen; Aaron Ferguson, still living in Corsicana; S.A. Pace, a leader in commercial and civic affairs;he was the pioneer wholesale grocer of the town,and many of the now successful grocer merchantsin that section received their training through him.By his aid a goodly number of deserving youthswere enabled to receive educations; he served thecity as Alderman, Police Commissioner, and Chairmanof the Library Building Committee, and servedthe state as President of the State Orphans HomeBoard, and many other activities of the town receivedhis aid and support; J. M. McCammon andwife, who rode into Corsicana on the first regularPassenger train; Wm. Tatum, long a resident, butabout this time entering upon a successful businesscareer; Alex. and Phillip Sanger, and T. L. Marsalis,who afterwards moved to Dallas; the Schneiders andPadgitts, Adams and Leonard who also joined theSangers; A. Sutherland and his son, Bank Sutherland,the latter still living, who as undertakers haveburied perhaps ninety per cent of the dead in Corsicanafor the past fifty years. Also Albert Lea, aretired United States army officer and an ex-Confederateofficer, classmate at West Point of Robt.E. Lee, Jefferson Davis and Edgar AUlen Poe, andwho stood third in the class of which Robt. E. Leestood second; a contemporary of John C. Freemont,whom he accompanied in his explorations of thegreat Northwest, and after whom Albert Lea inMinnesota is named; who participated with the Confederatesin the Battle of Galveston at the captureof the "Harriet Lane," a United States vessel ofwar, and whose son in the Union navy, LieutenantCommander Edward Lea, while in command wasmortally wounded on that vessel, but lived long
enough to be found and ministered to by his father,one of the most touching incidents of the Civil War.Also Commodore Brown of the Confederate StatesNavy; and Louis Cerf and E. Raphael, natives ofAlsace-Lorraine in France; Max H. London, whocame to Texas in 1853, Confederate soldier, nativeof England, and B. Marks, the latter three still living,and David Deutchner, L. Cohen and AaronShwarts, all splendid representatives of their raceand whose descendants are daily met in the town;also W. D. Johnson and his brother, E. W. Johnson,father of Luther A. Johnson, unopposed candidatefor Congress, who deserted old Dresden and movedtheir business to Corsicana; J. F. Stout, ex-CountyJudge and ex-Mayor of the city, still living; S. J.T. Johnson and M. Drane, father of the presentprominent citizen, F. N. Drane, who is always atthe forefront of all worthy enterprises in the townand county, began their partnership about this timethe former having been a merchant at Dresden andthe latter moving from his farm a few miles westof Corsicana; and John S. Gibson, successful merchantand planter; about this time Abe Mulkey beganbusiness, failed, paid up and began businessagain, making a signal success, but afterwards retiredto enter the ministry, and using his own businessexperience in his great sermon on "Restitution,"became one of the leading evangelists of thecountry. There were others, some of whom, or theirdescendants, are still living in Corsicana. The majorityof those mentioned now sleep their last sleepin Oakwood Cemetery, Corsicana.It is not the province of this article to mentionthose citizens who are leaders at the contemporaneoustime, no matter how worthy, except that theyhave descended from those who wrought as far backas fifty years ago; this would necessitate an articleall too long and would only tell of people and incidentsgenerally known. But it may be added thatfew communities of equal size could present a morecreditable showing if such were the program.In 1872, just fifty years ago, one of the mosthistoric meetings in Texas, the State DemocraticConvention, was held in the then recently completedMethodist Church. The Dallas News is now in its"Fifty Years Ago" column reproducing the namesof the delegates to that convention from the differentcounties. All the great democrats of Texas werein attendance. It was the first meeting of its kindafter the Civil War which was held without thehandicap of the military and out of it came the restorationof Texas from the rule of the E. J. Davisadministration. It was at this convention that aCorsicana citizen, Roger Q. Mills, was nominatedfor Congress. Though half a century has elapsedsince that convention, it is now never mentioned byany one who was present that he does not refer tothe fleas which infested the delegates. It seemsthat there was no hog law in these days and thehogs lounged under the church where the conventionwas held, and it is said that it was a livelyconvention-politically and otherwise.Corsicana is the cradle of the oil industry ofthe Mid-Continent and furnished the first oil field 781b155fdc